Sunday, February 10, 2013

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

1. How can a parent best help their suicidal youth?
2. Why is suicide becoming more popular among younger age groups?
3. What are your thoughts on the mental health industry in America?
4. What are the most effective forms of treatment?
5. How should suicidal youth be talked to?
6. What should a parent do if their youth does commit suicide?
7. Why do you think suicide isn't talked about on the news when it is such a big deal?
8. What are the most important signs of suicide to look out for?
9. Why do children feel lonelier?
10. Why are depression and suicide linked together?
11. Why isn't depression taken seriously?
12. Where should kids go when they feel suicidal?
13. In order for suicide rates to go down, what needs to happen?
14. What is the most important thing a parent can do for their suicidal youth?
15. "Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know." -Ernest Hemingway. Do you think there is truth to this quote? Why or why not?
16. Is there a connection to the rise in poverty and the rise in suicide? Why?
17. Why do adults in particular underestimate the sadness a child can have?
18. What are your thoughts on the Suicide Hotline?
19. What do you think about depression and the use of social media?
20. Is technology a friend or foe in regards to mental health?

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